83473 IPS 4" PVC Test Dome Coupling

IPSTD4PVC MFG #: 83473
  • End Connection: Socket Weld
  • Fitting Size: 4"
  • Fitting Type: Test Ball
  • Manufacturer Name: IPS
  • Material: PVC
  • Description
  • Documents
  • Specifications
The Test Tite Test Dome Coupling (TDC) provides a safe and economical way to pressure test DWV systems without the need for specialized tools. The TDC can be installed during the ground phase of construction at the DWVtosewer cleanout connection point with various cleanout configurations on 3″ or 4″ pipe – ABS or PVC. A 12 ft. pull cord with integrated thandle makes the removal of the test dome a breeze once the pressure test has been completed.
  • Key on cap and a keyway on the body forces correct alignment during assembly and installation. This also prevents rotation. If cap is removed, when reinstalling you will hear the snap You will hear and feel a difference if the cap doesn’t seat correctly
  • Synthetic pregreased cap ensures the solvent cement does not bond/seize to the dome cap which prevents easy removal. Saves the plumbing contractor a step when installing
  • Stainlesssteel clamp secures the knot on the nylon cord. The molded parallel securing tabs on the top of the test cap accepts and secures the stainlesssteel clamp during install. This arrangement prevents the cord from accidentally being solvent welded into the pipe joint
  • Color coded dome and coupling. Orange dome is 3" size. Silver dome is 4" size
  • Black coupling is ABS resin. White coupling is PVC resin
  • Spigot to hub connection configuration for easy fitting into plastic pipe connections. Spigot to spigot configuration is also offered
  • Color coded Thandle matches the dome color and allows for a strong pull of the nylon cord once pressure testing is complete
  • Installation text (TOP ARRIBA) on test dome coupling identifies the correct orientation for placement on the pipe. With the coupling positioned correctly, the dome will ALWAYS be in position for easy removal with the Thandle and cord