Price & Availability


Viewing Price

Viewing Inventory Availability


When signed into the Online Store, you will be able to view real-time price and availability of products. Everywhere a product is displayed on the Online Store. The store is reaching out to our back-end system, the same one used behind the counter, to get the price and availability of the product(s). See below for some specifics regarding price and availability.

Viewing Price

Key features:

  • Realtime price
  • Tied to your account and ship to.

Price is retrieved using the customer account and ship to account you either:

Selected during sign in.

Set as a default.

Or changed during your session.

Price is calculated and is always current when displayed on 

Product List Pages (PLP).

Product Detail Pages (PDP).

My Lists.

Viewing Price in Order History

Note, pricing in the order detail of order history is always the price from the order and is not calculated. However, when adding an item from order history to the shopping cart, the price will be recalculated in the cart.

Viewing Inventory Availability

The Online Store makes real-time calls to get inventory availability. This means the inventory displayed in the Online Store is the same as Granite Group associates see in our inventory system.

Inventory is displayed in different ways on the Product List Pages (PLP) and Product Detail Pages (PDP)

On the Product List Pages:

Inventory is displayed for the selected warehouse:

The selected warehouse is used to display inventory levels on the PLP.

The “View Availability by Warehouse” link displays a popup of warehouses that have inventory of the item, without having to leave the page.

On the Product Detail Page:

Total inventory of the product and of the selected warehouse is displayed along with a list of all warehouses that have inventory available of the item.